DIY Goat Milk Formula

Two years after solving Jordan’s formula issue, we found ourselves in a similar situation with Jonathan. While his nighttime sleep got rough at four months, it started going downhill fast at 5-1/2 months – waking up every 45 minutes one night, all night long. And then, his daytime naps suddenly tanked.

I had a feeling my milk supply was drying up again but, until that point, he refused a bottle. I tried four different brands, nipple flow speeds, and milk temperatures. No luck. And then a girlfriend shared a piece of advice: if your baby refuses a bottle but takes a pacifier, try the same bottle brand as the pacifier he prefers.

After the third day in a row of waking up every ten minutes during every nap (and every hour all night), I tried one more brand of bottle an hour after breastfeeding him. He didn’t just take it – he guzzled it. And then he went straight to sleep and didn’t make a peep for two hours.

I had spent weeks trying to help him sleep with different schedules, introducing solids, stopping solids, swaddling, not swaddling, you name it, I tried it. I had so many people telling me to just sleep train, but my gut told me that wasn’t the problem. But I knew, deep down in my gut, the poor guy was just hungry.

After Jordan’s formula experience, I decided not even to chance it and went straight to the goat milk formula. But this time, I made my own at home with a recipe that my sister used with both her boys. I did the math to compare the homemade formula with pre-made, and it ended up being a fraction of the cost! The boxed formula worked out to about $2 per bottle, and the homemade recipe was only $0.44 a bottle! Even better? I knew exactly what went into it and, by extension, into him.

Jonathan was a year old when we switched pediatricians for insurance purposes and she was skeptical when I first told her about our homemade formula. Skeptical enough that she ran some blood tests to check his levels – she thought he would for sure be anemic at the very least. But his levels were all completely normal, and I walked out of there like this: 😏

diy goat milk formula recipe:

Ingredients – click each for shopping links
32 oz. filtered water
4 level scoops full fat Meyenberg Goat Milk Powder (base for protein, fats, carbs, vitamins, and minerals)
1 tsp. Great Lakes Gelatin Powder (helps digestion, builds/seals gut)
4 Tbs. raw, organic turbinado sugar or real maple syrup (carbohydrate)
1 tsp. unsulphured organic blackstrap molasses (B vitamins, iron, helps move bowels)
2 tsp. olive or avocado oil (healthy monounsaturated fat)
2 tsp. coconut oil (healthy saturated fat)
2 tsp. nutritional yeast (B12 + folate and all those other amazing vitamins)

In 1 bottle per day
1/4 tsp. powdered probiotics (healthy gut flora, immunity)
6 drops Vitamin D (400 IU/dy.) or 1/4th tsp. fermented cod liver oil (Vitamin D)
1/4 tsp. baby vitamin drops if not nursing

1. In a blender, add 3 cups of filtered water and 1 cup hot or boiling filtered water. Add all ingredients except probiotics, Vitamin D, and baby vitamins. Blend.
2. Add the probiotics, Vitamin D, and baby vitamins to 1 bottle per day.
3. Storage is the same as breast milk: Store in the refrigerator, and when pouring a bottle, only leave the bottle out at room temperature for a few hours. It should keep for 4-5 days in the refrigerator, and some people have had success in freezing it. When taking a large amount with you for the day, bring a mini cooler to keep it from spoiling. Some people like to take the dry ingredients, oils, and water separately with them and mix as they go. You will find your groove and what works for you!

Note: I use the Nutri Ninja Auto IQ blender, which comes with a 32-oz BPA-free cup. I blend everything in that cup and put it straight into the fridge, so it’s ready to go for the next bottle.

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